In the 1960s, there were very few professional counseling resources across Monroe County, particularly for our underserved and underprivileged population. Church Women United and the Monroe Council of Churches began to evaluate this service need and to explore the possibility of established a non-sectarian family counseling agency. In April of 1965, the Child and Family Services Board of Directors held their first formal organizational meeting. The Agency began providing services in 1966 and continues to serve hundreds of Monroe County residents each year.

In 1987, Shelter, Incorporated, which had provided emergency and advocacy services for survivors of domestic violence and their children, asked Child and Family Services to assume operation of the Domestic Violence Shelter Program due to financial issues. Following consideration by the Board of Directors, the merger of the two nonprofit agencies began in February of 1987. The merger was completed in 1989, and our Agency was renamed Family Counseling and Shelter Services (FCSS).

In February of 2006, the Agency opened the doors to the Children’s Center of Monroe, its third facility, dedicated to serving the needs of our Monroe County children exposed to traumatic issues such as divorce, abuse and neglect, domestic violence, or substance abuse. The Children’s Center provided Monroe County’s first Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program as well as child counseling and play therapy and parenting classes. In 2012, we relocated the Children’s Center to our main office on LaPlaisance. The Center officially closed and our counseling office continued visitations by providing Therapeutic Visitations, instead of Supervised. Therapeutic Visitations are facilitated by licensed therapists, which enhances the visitation process.

In 2009-2010, FCSS diversified its services further adding a Domestic Violence Support Center (DVSS), Domestic Violence Legal Advocate, a Monroe County Domestic Violence Emergency Response Team (DVERT), Substance Abuse Assessments, Counseling, Groups, Parenting after Violence Classes, Supportive Visitations, Monroe County SMILE program for divorcing couples with minor Children, and our Batterer Intervention Program for women and men.

In December, 2014, the Child Advocacy Center (CAC) of Monroe was added to our DVSS Division. The CAC provides advocacy for children who have been sexually or physically abused as well as advocacy for their families. If requested, our Forensic Interviewer can conduct Forensic Interviews at our main office in order to help reduce any additional trauma that possibly could result for the child while they are going through the legal process. Beginning in 2016, we also expanded our DVSS Division to include Sexual Assault Support Services for all ages, and officially changing the division name to DSVSS. As of 2017, we added a full-time Sexual Assault Advocate to help support victims of sexual assault as well as a Volunteer Coordinator to build our direct service volunteer base.

In December, 2016, FCSS celebrated its 50th Anniversary of providing essential services all across Monroe County. Today, we continue to operate three key programs including Professional Counseling, Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter and Advocacy, and the Domestic and Sexual Violence Support Services (DSVSS) Division which provides advocacy for victims, and prevention/intervention for batterers. We continue to evaluate and respond to the growing and changing social service needs of our community and to meet our Agency mission and vision.

If you, or a family member, are in need of any of these services, we encourage you to contact us via email or telephone for information or an appointment.

Need Help? Contact us now (734) 242-7233 (SAFE)

How we can help

We Facilitate Safe Spaces to Heal​

Our Mission:

“To provide programs and services essential to an individual’s emotional well-being and the success of our community, as well as the protection and empowerment of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.”

Our Vision:

“To be recognized throughout Monroe County as a full service child and family agency serving the underprivileged, while partnering within our community for those in need”.


— Counseling Programs

Over 50 years of providing professional and compassionate counseling services to the families, children, and individuals of Monroe County, with an emphasis on family preservation and services for those that might not otherwise have access.


— Sunrise House & Shelter

Lighting a path from the darkness that is domestic violence to a safe haven, empowerment, and a new and independent life.


— Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Services

Assisting domestic violence batterers in changing behaviors and beliefs, reducing risk to women and children, and helping to break the chain of violence within our community.

OUR Facilities

Counseling and Support Center

14930 LaPlaisance Road, Suite 106
Monroe, MI 48161

(734) 241-0180

M-Th, 9am-8:30pm

Sunrise House Domestic Violence Shelter

*Location details upon acceptance.

(734) 242-7233 (SAFE)

Available 24 hours a day.

Staff Directory

Crystal Martin

Executive Director

[email protected]
734-241-0180, ext. 13

Counseling staff

Laurie Kosek

M.A., L.P.C., C.C.D.V.C., A.C.S., CCTP
Licensed Therapist

[email protected]
734-241-0180, ext. 17

Kathleen Pizzo

M.A., L.P.C., S.C.L.
Licensed Therapist

[email protected]
734-241-0180, ext. 20

Brianna Williams

Licensed Therapist

[email protected]
734-241-0180, ext. 15

Ishah Ahmed

Licensed Therapist

[email protected]
734-241-0180, ext. 16

Domestic & Sexual violence support services staff

Lauren Lee

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocate

[email protected]
734-755-9709 (DV Advocate Cell)
734-625-7116 (SA Advocate Cell)

Directors / Board Members

Kristian Bezeau

Drew Presto

Jason Linster

Timothy Stoddard

Ann Rothman

Brittney Calender

Barbara DiFlore

Gabriella Erdt

Michelle LaVoy

Linda M McDevitt

Ways to Give

Help By Supporting Positive Change Within Our Communities Today!

We greatly appreciate your help while we continue our mission to help those in need of mental health, domestic violence, and sexual assault services within our community.